3 Common Causes of Back Pain

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In our experience here at Encompass Chiropractic Centers, many people seek chiropractic care because they are experiencing back pain. Back pain is incredibly common, and it can be difficult to find an effective solution to this ailment. Our team has extensive experience in treating back pain, and we will work with you to identify the source of your pain and help you find the relief you deserve.

3 Common Causes of Back Pain

There are a variety of medical conditions and injuries which can cause back pain, but there are also many lifestyle factors that can impact your back. In this article, our team will focus on these lifestyle factors, going over three common contributors to back pain and offering suggestions for what to do about them.

  • Poor Mattress Quality – One common cause of back pain is poor mattress quality. Many old or low-quality mattresses fail to provide adequate support for the spine, which leads to soreness and pain in the morning. If you suspect your mattress is contributing to your back pain, you can try sleeping elsewhere for a few nights to see how you feel; if your back feels better after sleeping in a hotel, for instance, you should invest in a new mattress.
  • Poor Ergonomics – Another common contributor to back pain is poor posture, which is often caused by poor ergonomic design. If you sit at a desk all day, then you should make sure your office chair and desk setup are providing good ergonomic support. When seated, your thighs should be parallel to the floor, and your knees bent at a right angle. Your office chair should provide support for your spine, and your computer screen should be positioned so you can look at it without bending your neck.
  • Lack of Exercise – A third lifestyle factor which might be contributing to your back pain is a lack of exercise. You might be experiencing back pain because your core muscles are not strong enough to keep your spine in a neutral, healthy position. Adding exercise to your routine can help you strengthen your core and reduce pain.